Kids College or Home Repairs

Having to choose between paying for your kid’s college and home repairs?

It seems that there are more places in the budget for money to go than there is money most days, doesn’t it?  Sometimes it’s hard to choose because everything is important – we understand!  Especially when it comes to a college education. 

Currently, the average cost of a 4-year degree ranges from $103,000 – $215,000, per  That’s a significant investment, usually worthwhile, but still it might put you in a position to prioritize where your paycheck needs to go. 

If you find yourself coming up short on the home repair side, give us a call – (833) 529-1664. Some repairs just can’t wait and have a way of creating a domino effect, going from bad to worse. We buy homes for cash in and can close quickly to take the pressure off when it comes to home maintenance so you can focus on your kid’s educational needs.

If you’re dealing with more budget demands than cash, here are a few thoughts to help with planning for college expenses…

Consider A Local State Or Community College – When it comes to saving on tuition and living expenses, it will help save some money if you look at a local state or community school with lower tuition, and where your student could still live at home to save a lot of money on expenses.  It’s not always a teen’s first choice to stay local, but it will definitely save money.

Apply for All The Scholarships – Sure, it can become another part-time job to chase down scholarships, but there is a lot of free money out there if you look hard enough.  Apply for everything you can find and then look and apply some more. Many students have paid for tuition and expenses this way.  A great resource for this is

Consider an On-Campus Job Opportunity – On-campus jobs not only help provide an income for students, but it’s also a great way to get immersed in college life, make friends, and learn about other happenings on campus. If you have a student who is good at time management and is disciplined enough to get their work hours in, as well as study hours and classes, working their way through college is another great option.

Hope these ideas help!

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